The Origins of Thanksgiving Day

Continental Congress (October 18, 1780) issued a Proclamation for a Day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer after the revealing and deliverance from Benedict Arnold's plot to betray General George Washington and his troops to the British: “Whereas it hath pleased Almighty God, the Father of all mercies, amidst the vicissitudes and calamities of war, to bestow blessings on the people of these states, which call for their devout and thankful acknowledgements, more especially in the late remarkable interposition of his watchful providence, in the rescuing the person of our Commander-in-Chief and the army from imminent dangers, at the moment when treason was ripened for execution....It is therefore recommended to the several states...a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, that all the people may assemble on that day to celebrate the praises of our Divine Benefactor; to confess our unworthiness of the least of his favours, and to offer our fervent supplications to the God of all cause the knowledge of Christianity to spread over all the earth.”


What is this rolled up paper you have just found? This is about the history of Thanksgiving Day. Many people think Christmas is the oldest American holiday but it’s not. Christmas was illegal in New England for a long time. However, Thanksgiving existed long before the formation of our nation. Thanksgiving is the oldest American Holiday or Holy Day because it was Thanksgiving to God.

Long story short, in 2015 I became fed up with the one-sided, distorted news coming out of the Berkshire Eagle. The people who determine what the Eagle prints for news, are all one-sided political hacks. Anything political, any news of consequence, the Eagle twists the story to its own political leanings—all intelligent rebuttal or counter arguments are not allowed. Even the rebuttals in the letters to the editor section are filtered or edited (one of our constituents wrote several letters and they were either rejected or edited). You never see the full truth. You never hear an intelligent rebuttal. I digest too much news and my conclusion is that the news in New England (not just Pittsfield) is corrupted. They don’t trust you to formulate an opinion based on all facts presented. They herd you like cattle. For what purpose? They herd you like cattle for election day.

I decided to take out a full-page ad--thinking that the Eagle could not legally refuse a paid ad. I was very wrong; that rule applies only to political ads. They could and did stop me by refusing the ad. The ad would have been a full-page ad about the origins of Thanksgiving Day-- quoting our founders and listing many historic facts. The Eagle refused the ad without explanation. They disrespected me. I asked them why they refused it. They replied that they disagreed with the ad. I asked what part they disagreed with. They replied: “we disagree with it in its entirety.” They disagree with history. They disagree with the foundation, the founders and with Christians. The ad was nearly 100% quotes and history—indisputable facts that can be easily verified in today’s digital age. Keep in mind, it was a thousand-dollar ad which shows you the level of their animosity. A tiny paper like the Eagle refusing a thousand-dollar ad…means that they feel strongly against my views. Opening your eyes to history, to them, is on par with criminal activity. This is Marxism. It’s not democratic, that is for certain.

Thanksgiving has always been about thanking God for his providence. These “gate keepers” of the news, the left leaning news companies in New England, omit news they don’t like, twist news, spin news with opinions over facts because you may become enlightened to a truth and walk away from the herd. There is always a well formulated argument to most things in life. Yet, there is no intelligent rebuttal in the Eagle. I learned about fake news long before it became a mantra.

I’m always amazed at the arrogance of it all. Consider how little they think of you. If someone lies to you, to manipulate you, haven’t they taken away your free will?

Consider this recent election. Trump won the electoral college, the popular vote, the house and the senate. Seven out of ten Americans voted for Trump’s plan on illegals, on men in women’s sports, stopping wars, stopping DEI/CRT, keeping government in check, etc. Yet, Massachusetts voted mostly for Kamala. Why? Simply put: you’re believing the lies told to you. Even today, the news in New England is reporting that Trump did not truly win in a landslide. That’s fake news. It’s called an echo-chamber and you’re living in one. If you were exposed to enough open, honest news and counter-thought, you’d know why the rest of the nation voted for Trump.  Without the free exchange of ideas, the truth is suppressed and you lose. It’s that simple.

Over the years, I’ve added a prelude where I talk about some local and national issues.  If you want to listen, read on. If not, you can skip to the ad by scrolling until you see the red bar below.

Reverse-Racism, Illegals, and other Madness in Berkshire County

Perhaps older readers will quickly understand what I’m about to talk about. You lived in a day when America still had some morality left. Christians will understand this.

Immoral people will often latch on to a cause that makes them appear moral and righteous. This helps them white wash both their conscience and how they appear in the public eye. This is what leadership like Governor Healey, Mayor Marchetti, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Neal, local bankers (and others) are all about. The gay community is linking race with sexuality--using race to white wash the “inclusion” portion of the agenda. In reality, DEI is racism against non-blacks. DEI goes against democratic principles: hand out jobs based on skin color, not merit. It’s why airplane doors are falling off mid-flight. Open borders are illegal. If they want to foolishly open the door to the world without checks, pass a law, don’t break the law as that too is not democratic. Yet, Healey and the others vow to fight this (it’s their white wash). If you’re clear eyed, you can see that the left is in rebellion toward God. Boil this all down, though they are completely unaware of what is going on deep within their own souls, that is what is happening: white washing using race, borders, transgenderism, etc. as rebellion toward Christ. Open borders let in terrorists (says the FBI), mental patients, gangs, rapists, murderers. Trump said this and Massachusetts laughed. Look what just happened in Great Barrington: two minors raped by illegals. Let’s talk about race first.   

Race, the never-ending open wound mostly because people don’t know history. They don’t know history, partly because the news doesn’t want to broadcast it (didn’t the Berkshire Eagle refuse my ad?) The love of money is the root to all kinds of evil. Politics amounts to money and power. Without 85% of the black vote, democrats won’t win any more elections. Racial conflict is what the party of slavery (the democrats) needs to keep winning elections. This is why the wise black leadership never really make it to the top. It’s the Al not-too-Sharptons that make it to the top. The wisest people in the black community are relegated to the moniker of “uncle Toms.” The perpetual grievance industry has been chugging along for many years because fools keep fueling it. The left offers free stuff, the blacks go for it and fifty years of reverse-racism has fixed what? Black culture is more corrupt than ever. The left wants a more socialist agenda because fifty years of affirmative action did not do anything. It didn’t do anything because handouts ruin people. As long as there are handouts, there will be people who betray God and country to receive them. DEI is real socialism. Equity of outcome means forcing black people into an area without having earned it, blaming all these moves on systemic racism. The only racism here is against non-blacks! Sort of like the open border: an illegal takes the place of a would-be legal who waited in line and obeyed the law. Here, a black person takes the place of a white person who obeyed the law of merit or waiting line. The black person was never a slave. The white person was never a slave owner. Look at some of the businesses in town, even the post office, and you’ll wonder…how did those positions open up? Now filled by blacks. Based on what? Fear of being called a racist. What about the white person who waited years for a position? Television ads where blacks are now in every ad at twenty-two percent their representative numbers in our society. Fear of being called a racist. IT IS RACISM, AGAINST NON-BLACKS! Amazing how no one learns anything from history. The wise blacks know this, spoke up only to get slapped back as traitors to their race. Again, the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. When does it end? It never ends until Americans put a stop of this insanity.

This is not an attack on black people. The bad thinking that exists in this state, no doubt this will be taken as an attack on black people. Black people who are taking all that free government cheese will surely call this an attack on black people. DEI is racism. Pure and simple. Judge by merit and content of character. That’s the way forward. Wokeism will destroy the state and nation. Keep in mind, this state is in so much debt, it will not be able to dig its way out. It’s why Massachusetts took money from the Biden administration to full throttle the DEI push you are seeing all around you. Remember, BLM openly stated that they are Maoist trained. Maoism is the worst possible form of Marxism. It is what brought China to its knees through violence, even betraying family, until all was brought to bow before Mao Zedong. China was born of Maoism.  Again, if the news did its job, you’d see more clearly and may not have fallen into the ditch you are in. You probably don’t even know you’re in a ditch!  

Let me lay down some history.

Slavery existed since the beginning of time. Whites, Blacks, and everyone else were, at one time or another, enslaved. One group makes war, conquers and enslaves the losing group. In Africa, black tribes conquered rival tribes and sold them off into slavery. Before this, they would kill them. And while many blacks disparage our nation because of slavery, consider that right now in Africa, blacks are enslaved by other blacks in order to fill Chinese quotas for blue cobalt. Blue cobalt is used in cell phone manufacturing. Black organizations (NAACP) habitually bring up the past and milk it and never shut up about it in order to justify their racism and all of this goes back to the love of money being the root of all kinds of evil. This is part of the reason the black community cannot forgive America: only part of the story is told. But if you look at it from 35,000 feet, America was always working it’s way out of these problems.

Slavery was here from the beginning of time. This point is paramount: Slavery was here before America was formed. Slavery was here while still colonies of England--long before the revolution. Slavery began under English governance. What people don’t know, amazingly, is that a number of colonies freed black slaves. King George stopped that immediately. It was King George that made black slaves the economic engine of the new world. But of all the countries, it was America that was troubled by this from the beginning. Division always existed because of race. And from the beginning, whites were with blacks trying to fight it.

A civil war could not be fought over slavery because the war of independence had to come first but division existed. And not to belittle slavery, but not all slave owners mistreated their slaves. Many slaves were treated very well. That is why after slavery, the freed slaves went back to those same plantations or farms but this time, as paid employees. I’m saying all of this to explain to you that America is not the pure evil country they say it was. It was a struggle. Evils were done. But no one today should be calling America evil. No one today should be engaged in racism or reverse racism. Slavery always existed. America, at least, had a road map out of it. Thanks to a Judge trying to white wash herself, she broke the constitution and her oath when permitting affirmative action (reverse-racism) which lasted over fifty years. This white wash made people like her feel better but it only damaged the black community.

A few points to remember:
1. Slavery has been since the beginning of time. England started slavery in our country. Kings and tyrants insisted on it and it was normalized.
2. While still colonies of England, a number of colonies freed the black slaves because of Christianity.
3. A civil war was fought over this where 360,000 whites died on a battle field to free the slaves.
4. America has done many things, bent over backwards to try to fix it the wrongs of the past.  
5. Fifty years of affirmative action has produced a black community that has deviated from the rules of democracy: i.e., be awarded something without merit, based on skin color. This has weakened the black community significantly. This has damaged our nations significantly and has not solved anything.
6. The never-ending claim that society is systemically racist is a lie used to keep the grievance industry going for money, power, politics.  
7. Marxists are now using black grievance industry to take down our nation. DEI is at its heart, socialism at the very least but it is looking more like Marxism every day.
8. Black culture is corrupt (so is white culture but I’m making a point). FBI crime stats show that black on black murder is the highest of all murder rates in our nation and has been for many years. Second to this is black on white murder. What is perceived as “racist” may very well be content of character. Consider, if the purple people had a reputation for theft… would black people lock their doors in a purple neighborhood? Is it racist? Is it content of character? Of course, not all purple people are like this but people want to survive and will act accordingly.
9. Most of the wise black leadership is ignored in favor of the Al not-too-Sharptons of the world.  
10. Gay leadership (Healey, Marchetti, several of the bankers who funded all this, etc.) is latched onto DEI not because of the blacks but because of the “inclusion” part. This is about white washing the gay movement, using the more accepted black movement.
11. Right now, in Pittsfield, both the NAACP and the LGBTQRS groups are advising the city. It's not a good day for Pittsfield when fools take advice from other fools. 

Nothing more is owed. You need to consider the truth: people who keep harping on past racisms, are now engaged in racism. This is the day to move forward but, DEI is about doubling down on the past and not moving forward. The past must be left in the past. If they disagree, they too must be left behind. We cannot continue as a country with this kind of madness on a day-to-day basis.

YOU CANNOT FIX THE PAST WITHOUT REPEATING THE SINS OF THE PAST. Let me give you an example that hits close to home and then I’ll move onto the next topic.  

I have an uncle that resides here in Pittsfield. He waited many years for an apartment house to go up for sale. When it finally did, he made the best bid he could. He lost the bid to a black man, new to the area, due to the NAACP’s reverse racism agenda. When the sales price of the house was finally published, my uncle learned that he outbid the black man by five-thousand dollars. I told my uncle that he needs to take legal action. will take on a legit reverse racism case for free of charge, free lawyers, free everything.  The problem is that the Biden administration pushed this DEI onto the governor who pushed it onto the previous mayor who worked with the banker, and then the realtor to force an increase in black home ownership in the area—engaged in outright racism seems to be what happened. The Eagle allowed the NAACP to rant about unproven past racism in the area. The Eagle backed up their claims without any counter-argument allowed. The local bank followed suit making no money down, low interest loans. The president of the bank said that he must use his position to help right the wrongs of the past. Then I noticed that with each house going up for sale, it was black people first to see them. The Massachusetts push, found its way to the realtors. It turns out, the realtor never put in any paperwork for my uncle. We believe he deliberately skipped that paper work because he had an agenda. If you look at the houses sold in that area, they strategically put black people in each house, all next to each other. Smacks of racism to me. No money down. Low interest. Bad risks. But the loans were made in the name of fixing systemic racism.    

While it’s true, Pittsfield has had nearly no black people (for at least fifty years) it’s not because of racism. It’s because they chose not to live here but in bigger cities. Within the last two years, blacks everywhere. You can see something agenda driven is happening. They announced it after all. If blacks came and decided that this place is a great place to live, raise a family and want to live here, that is good. They should. People like (of any color) that would make good additions because they really want to live here, checked it out, will work and play by the rules, etc. They will respect the area. But agenda driven means handouts are what attracted them here: guaranteeing that the wrong kinds of people will also come in. Good people will come, yes. But you’ll undoubtedly get a good percentage of the wrong kinds of people because the motivation is not Pittsfield, the motivation is the handout. The NAACP is bragging about how they increased the black numbers in New England. They increased it by handouts and pushing racism, which is not the way to do this. Have you noticed the locked boxes at CVS, Walmart, etc? Ever think something like that would ever exist in Pittsfield? It is what happens when you bring city mouse into country mouse space the wrong way. In other words, the NAACP and these leftists running our city are focused on numbers, not Pittsfield’s well-being.   

There really is no way to talk about race… talk a little too much and you’re a racist. What I’m witnessing is racism. I’ve seen more than this but this segment is already too long. Let me say this, I believe in God very strongly. I know that there are people who are His and they are every color. I know good quality black people. I also know that there are black people who think like me (not many) because I know one in particular. And remember, the NAACP means the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Replace the word “colored” with the word “white.” The National Association for the Advancement of White People. If the latter is racist, why isn’t the former? And now, the NAACP is on the city’s advisory board. Expect racism. The man said judge people “by the content of their character.”

Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey recently said that Massachusetts would not cooperate with President-elect Trump's mass deportation plans. Seven out of ten Americans voted for this, and yet, this morally corrupt Governor cannot fathom why. Recently, days ago, ICE arrests 3 illegal immigrants in Massachusetts. Two charged with child rape, 1 convicted of same crime in Brazil. It happened in Great Barrington! Do you see that President Trump’s claims were true? Many prisons and mental institutions were emptied across the border. Again, Healey is white washing herself in the cloak of compassion… at the expense of the citizenry. She is okay with shelling out multiple billions of tax payer money to illegals though the state is drowning in debt. If a state could be bankrupt, I’d say Massachusetts is bankrupt because there is no foreseeable way to clear that level of debt. Attracting business here is difficult due to excessive taxes and red tape. Again, the stupidity of the people you elect. These are not immigrants; these are illegals who were not checked. If you want people to cross the border without being checked, change the laws…do not break the laws. For that reason, Healey should be recalled immediately. The FBI said in a congressional hearing that they are certain that large numbers of terrorists have also come over the borders undetected—they are finding some. These sins of the left should not be forgiven. It is high treason. Wake up. Would you go to bed at night leaving your door unlocked? Same concept. You need to check who is coming into the country. The left is seeking to usurp the will of the American people by bringing in new dependents, and buying their votes.

The new trash collection plan. It’s garbage.
Through the years, the tax paying people of Pittsfield have repeatedly refused the pay-as-you-go trash collection model. Taxes are sky high as is and should include trash collection--as they always have. The problem is that you don’t have money-wise conservatives running the city. To the mayor and the city council, they think governing means passing the problem onto the tax payer. They do not have the skill set as the pool of people qualified and willing to run for office is rock-bottom low—who in his right mind wants to do these jobs? Pay-as-you-go has been put to public referendum many times and refused each time. Come to think of it, mayor Marchetti has been put to referendum many times and was refused each time. What changed this time is that Eagle printed a scandalous story on Marchetti’s competitor, Krol, before the election. The Eagle also supports pay-as-you-go trash collection. Therefore, Marchetti gets elected with low turnout because the Eagle story kept Krol supporters home. And now Pittsfield, you have a four-year term to survive. The first thing Marchetti does is to force this new trash collection scheme down the throats of Pittsfieldians. Now, a family of four is going to have to pay for a second or third trash can at the tune of 160.00 per can, per year. And who do you pay the fee too? The City of Pittsfield. How is it not a tax? The mayor threated that without this new system, property taxes would be raised. But what did they do just before rolling out this new system? They raised the sewer tax. Think of it. If you have three toilets in your house, they tax you for each toilet and then again for three sewers. There is only one sewer, not three. Also, having three toilets does not increase the amount of sewage output from a house! It doesn’t mean you’re going to the bathroom three times as much. You still only have one sewer line. It merely means that you choose to use the bathroom nearest your location, perhaps third floor instead of first floor, etc. How would you like to wake in the middle of the night and have to go down a flight of stairs to go to the bathroom? You get taxed for the privilege! Yet, the city taxes you on each toilet and a separate sewer line for each. It’s crookery for the sake of it. Yes, the city is a criminal syndicate and squander money like drunken sailors because of immorality in each person in each office. This trash scheme only saves the city eighty-thousand dollars a year. When Kamala came to Pittsfield, the city gave her fifty-three thousand dollars in security without tax payer approval. Kamala took in a billion and spent her way to twenty-million in debt. The city lost that money and won’t get it back. See how loose they are with your money? They don’t fight hard for you, that is for certain. And the Mayor is giving very large raises to city officials—to attract better candidates. The amounts paid are absurd. How much did they shell out on this DEI tsunami that just hit Pittsfield? No one can get an answer to that one. It must be scandalous. Now you understand why they are taxing your trash? Trash collection is just another tax scheme. Do any of these people running the city know why a trash tax is immoral? Let me explain.

In Massachusetts, you don’t pay tax on food or clothing. Why is that? It’s because food and clothing are necessities of life. Isn’t removing trash a necessity when buying food, clothing and other necessities creates trash? Do you understand now that it is immoral? The mayor is bamboozling you with the claim that it forces people to be more conscious about recycling and making less waste. The city justifies it because the neighboring towns are doing this trash plan.  Again, pass the problem onto the tax payer. Also, seniors generate less trash so the one included trash can (under current taxes) quelled their objections. This divide and conquer method took away all the complaints of seniors. However, a small family of four with perhaps a dog and a cat, will need at the very least two trash cans. Many families will need at least three trash cans. So many activities generate trash. That amounts to an additional 160.00 per can, per-year tax. Families are penalized. Remember, Cassella (a for profit company) pressured the city into this, which eliminates a lot of jobs too. The new collection is done by one man in one truck with a robotic arm that picks up the trash. This eliminates all those low-level jobs of all those workers. And you think the price will remain the same? The price will go up. Give it time.

What follows is the ad that was rejected.

Do you know the true meaning of Thanksgiving Day, the oldest of all American holidays? It’s unlikely that you do, unless you have gotten a hold of a pre-1900 textbook. It doesn’t take a historian to guess that Thanksgiving has to do with giving thanks to God. But it does take a historian to truly understand Thanksgiving, because our textbooks have undergone substantial revisions. Who would be so arrogant as to edit U.S. history and why would they do such a thing? Because he who controls the past, controls the present. And he who controls the present, controls the future. In 1876, the American Liberal Union (ALU) started to edit God out of public textbooks and public knowledge, claiming that our Constitution was a purely secular document. They refused providential-based history and exchanged it for an economic-based interpretation of history. That’s why many of you think that “taxation without representation” was the main reason our predecessors broke from England. Not true. Taxation was seventeenth on the list of 27 reasons, making it a lesser grievance. Abuse of representative powers was the main reason—listed 11 times more often as a grievance in the Declaration of Independence.

The ALU’s changing history is also why you only hear about three of our Founding Fathers when there were 250 of them, most of whom were outspoken about their Christian faith and far more evangelical than today’s Christians. Judicial activism was one of the main reasons our Founders signed the Declaration of Independence; they did not want judges making policy. Just look at what’s going on today in our nation: The people’s vote is ignored, and replaced with a liberal judge’s verdict or executive action. In George Washington’s farewell address, he warned, as did many of our Founders, that any changes to the Constitution must happen through Article V, by amendment only, which is to say, by the people themselves. Washington was clear: Going around Article V would destroy liberty as doing so usurps the Constitution. The people living in Massachusetts today in no wise resemble its former inhabitants. It’s like planting a garden back in 1776 and finding it in 2022 overrun with weeds claiming to be plants (Americans)—that’s how foreign today’s Massachusetts citizens are from our Forefathers. I daresay that ignorance of history makes a person a traitor to our nation. Whether you accept this or not, history is very clear about the matter. The United States of America is off its foundation because its people are ignorant (perhaps willfully) of history. This ignorance of U.S. history makes Americans easily manipulated by the partisan press, and easily herded for Election Day.

What happens to a society that forgets the truths of its own past? “A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday, does not know what it is today, nor what it is trying to do.” President Woodrow Wilson. The Constitutional Framers built their structure upon the foundation of Natural Law, a God-centered world view. Every time a case comes before the U.S. Supreme court, arguments are about a 200-year-old document, the Constitution, and what a particular clause meant when it was written. All of our Founders agreed that the interpretation of any founding documents must be made according to the meaning and intention of the parties who created them—their original intent must be used. To know original intent, you must know early legal commentaries, the writings of our Founding Fathers, state laws and constitutions. That’s why editing history destroys our nation. Without the truth of history, you cannot remain true to our Constitution, and eventually you move off the foundational truth. Many of our laws, red tape and big government overreach are an affront to the Constitution because much of it is illegal as leaders break the Constitutional covenant they swore to uphold. Not knowing history makes you un-American—an imposter.

In a 1794 letter to the Massachusetts Legislature, Samuel Adams wrote: “In the supposed state of nature, all men are equally bound by the laws of nature, or to speak more properly, the laws of the Creator.” This is why the First Amendment states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . . ” See how it stops government and releases religious freedom? You do understand that our Founders were being persecuted by King George for their faith?

The term “Separation of Church and State” originated from two and a half centuries of European reformation where the State took control of the Church, changed doctrinal tenets and persecuted Christians! Many people in Europe dissented and started to use the term “Separation of Church and State.” Many of these dissenters then immigrated to America and that’s where the term came from. The term was used by Jefferson in 1802 in a letter to the Baptists of Danbury, CT, in which he assured them that because of “the wall of separation between Church and State” the U.S. government would not interfere with their religious practices or expressions whether in public or in private.” You understand that separation of Church and State was always used to protect THE CHURCH from the State? It was Jefferson who approved using the Capital as a church! It wasn’t until 1947 that the Supreme Court reversed the meaning. Today when people use the phrase “separation of Church and State,” it bears no resemblance to its true meaning—its historical meaning, Jefferson’s meaning. What we see happening today, where you can’t have a Nativity in Park Square (shame on you, City of Pittsfield) or when angry atheists sue to remove the Bible from hotel rooms, the Ten Commandments from courthouses or crosses from memorials—our Founders would have violently objected to this baloney. Our Founders separated State from Church, not Church from State. In other words, religious people could freely demonstrate their faith within the civic arena without hindrance from government. Wake up! Don’t you know history at all? The Founders did nothing without prayer. On April 9, 1789, only nine days after the first Constitutional Congress convened with a quorum, the House of Representatives and the Senate approved having chaplains open every session with prayer. In November of 1800, we moved into the Capital and one of the first acts of Congress, in December 4, 1800, was to approve the use of the Capital as a church building. Wake up! A Nativity in Park Square would be freely allowed, and “original intent” proves it. Do you see how far off the Foundation we have moved? We must look to original intent as our Forefathers and first Supreme Court judges admonished us that this is the only way to interpret the Constitution. The spirit at work in many liberals is to move to expunge Christianity from history, and the cost will be a complete collapse of all rights. You cannot have the kind of freedom we have in this country without morality.

Enemies of God and this nation erroneously use specific language in the first Treaty of Tripoli, of June 7, 1797, that the United States “is not, in any sense founded on the Christian Religion . . . .” to support their argument for separation of Church from State. However, the second Treaty of Tripoli, of June 4, 1805, did not include the oft-quoted language, and the only reason that language appeared in the previous treaty in the first place was because our first war as the United States of America was a war on terror. Muslims were attacking our merchant ships, killing our men and extorting huge sums of money from us because we were Christians! We didn’t have a navy at that time, but it was this war on terror that pushed us to build a navy and wipe them out. But before we did, we tried very hard to make peace, and went to great lengths to explain to our enemy that they were not negotiating with the Christian religion, but with a nation-state, and that we were not Crusaders. The language in the treaty was used to persuade them to understanding. Our Muslim enemy broke the treaty. Our generals called them incredible bigots set on killing Christians. If you know history, it’s very plain to see our nation was, with little exception, a Christian nation. Our Founders learned a hard lesson—that, in time, government would bully the Church, so the two must be separated for the Church’s protection. Where do you think this notion came from? In the Holy Scriptures, Moses was in charge of civil law, Aaron was in charge of spiritual law. The two were separate. When King Uzziah tried to assume both roles, God struck him dead. The notion of separation of Church and State was created by Christians for the preservation of religious freedom. No kidding!

Thanksgiving Day proves all of this as Presidents, governors and other political figures would make a Thanksgiving Day proclamation. It was created to be a Holy Day where every American spent the day in church praying and thanking God for His goodness, and repenting for national sins. Our nation saw pestilence or an attack as God’s disfavor, whereas abundant crops or peace were seen as God’s favor. I’ve included some quotes, but these proclamations are very long. Do some research on your own—I suggest or William J. Federer’s materials or websites. Happy Thanksgiving!

GUN CONTROL. It’s a bit off topic but fits within the discussion of original intent and how you must know historical truth to remain an American. The Eagle habitually slams the NRA and gun ownership, but gun control is illegal because “original intent” settles the argument. The reason we have a Bill of Rights is because states were concerned that the federal government would renege on its original ideals and suspend the rights of U.S. citizens. The states wanted it spelled out. Here’s a quote from Samuel Adams, signer of the Declaration, and this near-exact wording was brought to the federal government by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts which pushed for the individual right to bear arms to be penned in a Bill of Rights: “The said Constitution should be never construed . . . to prevent the people the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms.” Our Founders believed we had a “natural right” to self-defense. (In nature, even the animals have a right to defend themselves; if you pull a horse’s tail, he’s going to kick you in the head.) This right was for personal protection (it was law that all men carried guns and all male students had guns in the classroom). But arms were also for national protection from invading armies. Today, gangs are the sixth largest army in the world and often better trained than legitimate armies. Look at the recent riots where citizens were stomped/beaten to death and unable to defend themselves due to gun control in liberal states. Billions of dollars in damage were caused by inaccurate reporting. And in states that allowed guns, those who defended themselves against violence were later arrested by liberal-leaning officials. This is how un-American blue states have become, even to the welcoming of socialism on a national scale! When you reject God’s truth, a lie is given to you instead.

In addition, our Founders wanted the public armed in case government needed to be abolished and reset. Therefore, “arms” means weaponry equal to that possessed by the government in order to successfully defeat and dismantle government. Read the Declaration of Independence: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” How do you suppose an infringing, rogue government would be abolished without weapons? Our Founders wanted Americans prepared for the next revolution, should it become necessary. Do some research and be prepared for some seriously radical statements by our Founders. They counted on a moral and religious people to be able to handle this kind of freedom. Patrick Henry said, “Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and debasing degradation [loss of morals] that we cannot be trusted with arms?” When you see Massachusetts forcing gun registration, understand this is a harbinger that gun confiscation is coming. The Forefathers would have increased religious moral education to address society’s ills rather than infringing our Second Amendment rights. Present-day politicians and judges who are for gun control are breaking their own oaths to uphold the Constitution because they either don’t know history or are in rebellion against our foundation. When you see New York limiting gun magazine capacity, understand that this is un-American, immoral and misguided. The CDC says 3 million lives are saved each year by citizens using guns to save their lives! Far more lives are saved by guns than are lost by them. Regardless, most gun crime is gang-related (gangs are comprised of 850,000 gang members), and vast numbers of people are regularly saved by guns, but you never hear the partisan press report these stories. Liberal judges slap hardened criminals on the wrists, and let them out to kill again. Liberals push for open borders to change the Electoral College and in so doing, let criminals, drugs and guns into our country. It’s all treasonous, madness, illogical and dangerous, to everyone.

One more thing: Did you know the NRA was started by retired Union generals for two reasons: 1) To help Union soldiers improve shooting accuracy; and 2) To protect Second Amendment rights for all citizens, especially freed slaves in the south? The south was passing laws to disarm blacks as the Klan lynched 5,000 (25% were white Republicans who went to the death to support freed blacks). You’ll find that the NRA is on the right side of history because our Founders believed self-protection was an inalienable right from God. Save your pennies (especially all people of faith) and join the NRA; it is worthy of your support. According to Washington and our Founders, only the people themselves can change the Second Amendment, according to the process established in Article V of the U.S. Constitution. If the President or Supreme Court change it, it is an illegal act according to the original intent of our Founders. Regulating the Second Amendment to death is infringement and illegal according to the original intent of our Founders.

Ask God to restore our nation . . . at any cost. Understand providence and history, and understand that when the people reject truth, a lie is given to them instead. The Clintons sold massive stores of US uranium to a Canadian company who in turn, sold it to Russia. President Obama gave our worst enemy the right to enrich uranium. If our worst enemy has this right, every country will soon want this right. Saudi Arabia declared that if Iran is permitted to obtain nuclear weapons, they too must have them. During the Obama-Biden years, China built land masses in the South China Sea along the biggest trade route. China saw Obama was a weak leader, afraid to confront them. China then moved without permission. Americans keep choosing fools to rule over them. Clinton received campaign money from China and returned the favor by pushing hard to get China into the WTO.  Massachusetts helped put Clinton into office. China has most likely already surpassed us as the world’s economic power. We now know their navy exceeds ours. You do know they are an aggressive nation, right?  China is preparing to rule the world. Or did you think they are setting up military bases all over the world as a decoration? Wake up.

Just a few years ago, we were at $211 trillion in debt (unfunded liabilities included). Most of our business leaders are Benedict Arnolds…knowing that too much commerce with China directly strengthens China’s military. These traitors know they are strengthening a communist country that rewards us by aiming missiles at the USA, Taiwan and others. We have fools rioting over slavery long since dead but every American buying everything from China (thanks to corporate greed), who is actively using slave labor right now. Even our medications and vitamins are coming from China. Too much is coming from communist China. Americans buy from and invest in these traitorous companies without regard. All this is done in the name of “globalism” while patriotism/nationalism is belittled. Globalism is an excuse to help guilty conscience survive the betrayal. Just like abortion, today’s corporations are killing Americans of tomorrow for immediate gain today. It’s the kids that are going to be strapped with this debt and these problems. “Globalism” allows them to harden their hearts to the truth: they are aborting America and Americans! President Trump had it right: put American interests first. The news is nearly all spin and fake. You can’t trust the talking heads or the newspapers because you can’t trust the few people who control them (i.e., the Berkshire Eagle will not allow this ad into their Newspaper. They present only the perspective they want you to see and stifle anyone who disagrees). In the Bible, Peter explains that suffering stops sin. So if God lowers us into a cauldron, it’s for the purpose of bringing us back to our Foundation. It’s a controlled burn.

This Thanksgiving, ask God to remember our Founders and their zeal for Him and to return us as a nation to Foundational truths. That’s the kind of prayer God will answer as the blood and faith of our Founders still moves the hand of God. Thanks for reading, and pass it on. . . .  You can find this at

Massachusetts (November 8, 1783), issued A Proclamation for a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, signed by Governor John Hancock, to celebrate the victorious conclusion of the Revolutionary War: John Hancock, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts A Proclamation for a Day of Thanksgiving: “Whereas...these United States are not only happily rescued from the Danger and Calamities to which they have been so long exposed, but their Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence ultimately acknowledged. And whereas...the Interposition of Divine Providence in our Favor hath been most abundantly and most graciously manifested, and the Citizens of these United States have every Reason for Praise and Gratitude to the God of their salvation. Impressed therefore with an exalted Sense of the Blessings by which we are surrounded, and of our entire Dependence on that Almighty Being from whose Goodness and Bounty they are derived; I do by and with the Advice of the Council appoint Thursday the Eleventh Day of December next (the Day recommended by the Congress to all the States) to be religiously observed as a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, that all the People may then assemble to celebrate...that he hath been pleased to continue to us the Light of the Blessed Gospel....That we also offer up fervent cause pure Religion and Virtue to flourish...and to fill the World with His glory.” In 1875, President Andrew Johnson stated: “Men who see not God in our history have surely lost sight of the fact that, from the landing of the Mayflower to this hour, the great men whose names are indissolubly associated with the colonization, rise, and progress of the Republic have borne testimony to the vital truths of Christianity.”
“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” President John Adams to the officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts
Roger Sherman supported the act of Congress authorizing President Washington to officially declare a national Thanksgiving Day holiday. His remarks were recorded in the Journals of Congress: “Mr. Sherman justified the practice of thanksgiving, on any signal event, not only as a laudable one in itself, but as warranted by a number of precedents in Holy Writ: for instance, the solemn thanksgivings and rejoicings which took place in the time of Solomon, after the building of the temple, was a case in point. This example, he thought, worthy of Christian imitation on the present occasion.”